Southwest San Clemente is a residential area of charming, beach style cottages, Spanish Style Ole Hanson historic homes and many large custom homes in the guard gated communities of Cyprus Cove & Cyprus Shore the exclusive bluff front, luxury estate community of Cotton’s Point where homes can easily exceed $5,000,000. Easy access to beach, shopping and dining.
Percentage change from latest quarter vs same time period previous year
Data compiled using 4th quarter 2023 data vs. same period from 2022
Population by Age Level. Median Age 37.5. Households: 15,489.
In Thousand of Dollars. (Median Income: $90,915)
Population by Education Level
Fair Market Rents
Public & Private Institutions Of Learning
Education in the United States is provided by public, private and home schools. State governments set overall educational standards, often mandate standardized tests for K–12 public school systems and supervise, usually through a board of regents, state colleges, and universities. Discover the K12-powered public or private school that is best suited for your child's needs in the area.
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